My Christmas Wish (is for you)

I discovered something early on in this cancer journey, the power of giving. I’ve always known the power of giving to others. I’ve always loved it. There is NOTHING better than to give to someone else and to see the effects of how that gift (in any form – monetary, something tangible, or the gift of love or time) touches a person – it’s so rewarding! But there’s so many different types of giving.

I have given to others when I’ve had plenty. It’s the easiest type of giving – you have and you just share. You start from a place of joy, and end with joy – a full circle.

Then there’s the type of giving when you have nothing – the kind where it’s a sacrifice and it hurts to give or takes a risk of faith to give. You start from a place of nothing or sometimes personal pain but what you end with isn’t a full circle – it’s a ripple effect that spreads out further than you can imagine.

Let me get a little more personal…..

I’ve always had a tough time receiving things from other people. Maybe it’s feeling like I don’t deserve it, or there’s someone else who could use it a whole lot more than I….maybe it’s a little bit of pride and a dash of humility that’s needed….but no matter the reason – it’s hard for me to receive gifts. I am learning in that area.

This past year, I cannot even begin to list the ways people have given to me. Their time, love, support, money, gifts, cards, encouragement, prayers, food. It’s been overwhelming. It’s what’s gotten me through the biggest trial of my life. I couldn’t have done it without all these things. I am so appreciative.

But after all of that, I longed to give back. I was frustrated I was not in a place where I could give (the first type I mentioned where you start with a lot and just pass it along). I had nothing to give (or so I thought). Because God wired me with compassion for others (sometimes so much it literally hurts), I prayed daily for opportunities to give. Something that God showed me was that the biggest reward is when you are in a position in your life where you really want to ask for something for yourself (and because you need it), that you choose to not ask for yourself, but ask for others – He not only provides the way to give to others but you will receive yourself. A double whammy!

It’s hard to give to others when you have nothing. It’s in our human nature to think of ourselves and want to have our needs satisfied. But there is something to be said if you push past that ‘pain,’ and say “God, I trust you for me…….now about ______ (insert name of a person in need that you know).” What an amazing thing when God not only provides for the person you’ve prayed about, but He usually allows you to be in the center of that miracle and you receive a miracle of your own in the process!

If you can position your life in such a way that you look to constantly give, I promise you that you will never lack. I feel like I’ve stepped into a deeper relationship with God in this principle. I used to think it was just changing my perspective….finding someone who had it worse than me and just compared my situation with theirs to realize I didn’t have it so bad. Yes, that was the first step but then I had to activate something by seeking a way to GIVE. There is something that happens in the giving process itself that releases the miracle that God wants to do in your own heart!

Christmas time is always a time when it’s easier to give because of the spirit of the season. But what about 2014? What about when you are in the darkest season of your life and your own circumstance consumes you? All the Christmas sparkle is gone and you are sitting in the quiet darkness of your life situation? Give. Not sure who or how? God will show you that. Just say yes. Pray for the opportunity. Ask God to make you sensitive. And as soon as you know, obey. I find if I hesitate, I reason things away and the moment has passed. Obey quickly, and think about the results later. Just give. You may not see the results immediately, it may take years or you may never see – but something changes on the inside of you. You are becoming like Christ.

So for this Christmas my wish is……not for me, but for you. Instead of me listing all the ways I hope 2014 is better for me, I pray 2014 is a year of favor for you! That your families are healthy, happy, and that you find purpose in the life that Christ has for you. I pray if you are far from Him, he becomes real to you in 2014. I pray for financial blessing for you. I pray your faith is enlarged. I pray that He shows you the blessings He’s promised to you in your life. To see you blessed means I am blessed. And then you are able to continue to give on…..

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